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Battery maintenance
- Cell tops must be kept clean and dry in order to reduce the risk of corrosion and electrical leakage.
- Terminals should be kept tight, clean and free of any deposits. The connectors can be coated with petroleum jelly.
- The cables should be examined from time to time for signs of corrosion.
- Electrolyte level should be checked and topped up with distilled water to cover the electrodes.
- Gas vent in the cells should be kept free from blockage by dirt or in case of alkaline batteries from crystallized electrolyte.
- Pure distilled water should only be used for topping up.
- Specific gravity should be measured and temperature correction should be applied.
- A weekly log of critical parameters to be maintained.
- Voltage reading of each cell should be taken while the current is actually flowing. [the voltage of battery on an open circuit is however rather misleading]
- First aid treatment should be understood and first aid equipment must be available at all times.
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