Departure checklist

  1.  check M/E preheat temperature maintained between 60° - 70°C.
  2. Check L.O p/p pr. and temp. within normal parameters.
  3. Check crosshead L.O p/p pr. and current within normal parameters.
  4. Check JCW p/p pr. and current within normal parameters.
  5. Check M/E fuel pr. and viscosity/ temperature.
  6. Check all standby pumps selected and reset repose switch.
  7. Check control air/Exh. v/v spring air pr. normal.
  8. Check Exh. Boiler circulating p/p running and pr. normal.
  9. Check stern tube L.O p/p running; pr. normal and sump level OK.
  10. Check all air compressors oil level and put on Auto mode.
  11. Charge both air bottles and drain water to air bottles and dryer.
  12. Confirm M/E L.O sump level normal.
  13. Check M/E T/Cs and governor oil levels normal.
  14. Check F.O purifier, service tank and drain tank levels.
  15. Check L.O purifier running normal.
  16. Check steering gear and confirms oil levels normal.
  17. Complete all steering gear check with bridge.
  18. Start 2nd generator or standby generator and take on load and put necessary breakers ON.
  19. Turn M/E turning gear with indicator cocks open and cylinder lubricators rotated 20-30 turns each for about 15 mins.
  20. Check M/E auto start air valve in auto/manual position and Auxiliary blowers on Auto.
  21. Contact bridge, blowthrough M/E and try out ahead and astern.
  22. Start additional generators as necessary.
  23. In case of bridge control, hand over controls to bridge at standby.
  24. At standby record all flowmeters, L.O sump level and Cyl. oil tank level.


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