Reasons for purifier overflow

  1. Incorrect purifier disc size [Inside diameter too large]
  2. Too low fuel oil temperature
  3. Too much rate of throughput 
  4. Too much sludge inside the bowl
  5. Low speed (rpm) of bowl rotation
  6. Sealing water failure
  7. Operating water failure
  8. Worn out main sealing ring.
Important Note: 
surveyor will ask you the following cross questions

Q1. what is throughput? 
  • ANS: Purifier feed (inlet)

Q2. what is the meaning of overflow?

  • Overflow means oil leaking to water side or water leaking to oil side due to failure of interface between these two liquids.

Q3.How will you come to know your purifier is overflowing when you are being in ECR?

  1. Purifier abnormal alarm will come
  2. Sludge tank high level alarm will come
