NAVAL TERMS PART 1 MEO class4 orals


Length over all (loa)?

  • Greatest length of the ship, measured from forward extreme to aft extreme.

Lenth between perpendicular?

  • Distance measured from aft perpendicular to forward perpendicular.

Forward perpendicular?

  • The summer load water line cut the stem in one point that point is called forward perpendicular.

Aft perpendicular?

  • The summer load water line cut the aft of the rudder post. That point is called aft perpendicular.

Breadth extreme?

  • The greatest breadth  of the ship measured from outside if the ship's shell.

Breadth module?

  • The distance measured from inside of the ship's shell.

Depth extreme?

  • The distance measured from top of the deck to bottom of the keel.

Depth module.?

  • The distance measured from bottom of the deck to top of the keel.

Draught extreme?

  • The distance measured from water line to top the deck.

Draught module?

  • The distance measured from water line to bottom of the deck.

Free board?

  • Distance from waterline to top of the deck.

Camber ?

  • The transverse curve of the deck fromm center line  to side shells.
  • Purpose is to drive the water outside.


  • The curvature if the deck from mid ship to forward and aft.
  • Forward is more higher than aft . For sea worthiness.

Rise of floor?

  • The bottom shells of the ship  is slightly slipped from keel to bilge.

Bilge keel?

  • The curvature of the arc from bilge to keel.

Tumble home?

  • For some ship's side shells are slightly inverted facing centre line this is called tumble home.


  • Opposite to tumble home 
  • Outside curvature if the side shells, for present in the forward region of the ship. 


  • Mass of the ship is equal to the mass if the volume if water displaced.

Tpc- tonnage per centimetres?

  • Mass required by the ship is to increase it mean draught by one centimetre.

Metacentric height?

  • Distance between g and m.

What is metacentric?

  •  When a ship is heels, the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity moves latterly, that new point at which draw the imaginary vertical line. It will cut the original line that point is called metacentric.

Water plan area of co-efficient?

  • The ratio of water plane area  to the product of length and breadth of the ship.

Mid ship section area of co-efficient?

  • The ratio of immersed portion og the mid ship yo the product of breadth and drought.

Black coefficient?

  • The ratio of underwater volume of the ship to the product of rectangular having some length draught and breadth.

Prismatic coefficient?

  • The ratio of volume of displacement at a certain draught to the product of length and area of cross section at mid ship.

Shell expansion plan ?

  • Is the 2d diagram of 3d surface og ship's hull.

Wetted surface area?

  • Is the area of the ship's hull and other things attached (like propeller rudder) its the wetted surface area.

Center of gravity?

  • It is a point complete ship's weight may act.

Center of buoyancy?

  • Its is the point complete upthrust force may act.

Propeller pitch?

  • One revolution of the shaft in which the propeller may moves forward in certain distance.

Diameter if the propeller?

  • The dia of the propeller is a circular which cut the tip of tha blades.


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