Stiff ship and tender ship STIFF SHIP When a metacentric height and righting lever distance is large, Ship have excessive stability Ship will come to its normal upright position very quickly when its heeled. Tender ship When metacentric height and righting lever distance is very small. Ships have less stability Ship will come to its normal upright position very slowly when its heeled. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STIFF SHIP & TENDER SHIP?
SOLAS - 11.1 SPECIAL MEASURES ENHANCE TO MARITIME SAFETY IMO NUMBER & CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD IMO NUMBER APPLY TO cargo ship of 300 GT and above, passenger ship of 100 GT and above, SHIP IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: the number consists of seven digits assigned by IHS maritime, the label begins with the letters "IMOxx00xx0" once assigned the number will not changed, permanently marked visible in color outside diameter not less than 200mm inside diameter not less than 100mm width should be proportional to height. LOCATION OF IMO NUMBER MARKED IN SHIP highly visible area sides of hull (port,stbd) mid ship super structure CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD Ship history book is a permanent record kept in a ship always. and shal...
Em'cy lighting to alley way/lifeboat embarkation deck/ engine room Navigational system steering gear Em'cy fire pump Em'cy air compressor Battery charging Fire detection and alarming system Radio equipment (communication equipment) Daylight signalling lamp and ship's whistle Navigation Aids General alarm Manual fire alarm Watertight doors
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