Starting of IG System

  • Boiler should be on.
  • Set the line for deck seal pump 
  • Set the line for scrubber pump
  • Set the line for O2 analyser.
  • Set the line on blower,
  • Now put the breaker to on position.
  •  Ig starts & running.

Function of ig parts.

Scrubber tower:

  • Gas will be cooled down to working temperature.
  • Solid particles will removed 
  • Soluble gas and Sox and carbon gases set mixed with water and draun out.


  •  Demister made on wire gauge.
  • Act as a water absorbent.
  • It Moisture will removed and gas will br dry.


  • There will be two blower .
  • One for stand by another one will send the gas freeing to cargo tank.

Pressure regulator valve 

  • It regulates ig pressure asper discharge rate of cargo and maintain always  positive pressure inside the tank.

O2 analyser.

  • It will analyse the oxygen content flowing with gas 

Temperature recorder.

  • If ig gas above 57°c it will not allow the gas to cargo tank.

Bleed valve 

  • Its a three way valve  .if o2 content is High in ig gas it will open the valve send the gas to atmosphere.

Deck seal.

  • It is a non return valve.which will not alow the gas back.

Non return valve.

  • Secondary valve . preventive the back flow of gas.

Pv valve

  • Safety fitted in the tank to prevent the exclusive vacuum and pressure build-up in the cargo tank it will release the pressure to atmosphere.

Pv breaker.

  • Which is fitted in common ig line. When suddenly increase of vacuum and pressure it will open and release the pressure and vaccum.

Mast valve 

  • Common ventilating system for cargo tanks . While loading and unloading it should be open.

Deck isolation valve.

  • It will isolates the ig line from ig plant.

Vapour line 

  • To receive shore supply of ig gass 
  • To discharge ig gas to shore storage tank
