
Showing posts with the label MEO CLASS4

AIR COMPRESSORS (why single stage compression is not in use)

Why single stage compression is not in use? For high pressure reciprocating air compressors are used. Even in reciprocating compressors, a compression ratio of 1:7 is common (more than this the air is getting compressed becomes very hot and will reduce the overall efficiency) . Hence, compression is done in a two stage with inter/after cooling arrangements.  


  Uses of Compressed air onboard ships For automation and control of main and auxiliary machinery and equipment. For starting of Main engines, auxiliary engines, emergency generator engine etc., For pressurizing the hydrophores for domestic fresh water and sanitary water used in accommodation. For use in sewage plant for conducting aerobic sewage breakdowns. For soot blowing of the boilers. For use in fog horns and ships whistles. For heaving the life boat up by the use of an air motor. Used in pneumatic pumps for oil transfer and pneumatically driven hand tools such as grinder/ chisels/ drills/ spanners/ jacks/ etc., For use as general service air for use in general cleaning & painting operations. Generally two pressures of air are used:  High pressure air - 30 bar (Used for starting the main/auxiliary engines) Low pressure air - 7 bar (Used for control and service air)


 Fire control safety plan Location:   Entrance of the ship both sides.   On bridge.   On Engine control Room.    Ship's office. (In side the red colour container ) It will contain the details of all fire fighting appliances and its location. Importance of located outside: Other fire fighter came to our vessel. they will easily find out the extract location of extinguishers and  emergency escape route. It contains: Fire detection and alarm system Springer installation Co2 nozzle installation Location of all extinguishers EEBD location Ventilation system Details and location of escape route Life craft life Jacket immersion suit location Total number of fire hoses and nozzles