crash stop When the ship is moving Full Ahead and Double ring Astern order is given from the Bridge, the Engine Room fuel lever is brought to stop. After the Engine's rpm drops to about 20% to 40% of Full Ahead rpm, air braking is commenced i.e. the engine is reversed then an air kick is given, even though, while engine is still in the ahead direction, due to the 'way' on the vessel. ( very important - fuel will not released to the engine, during this Air brake, until the engine stops and actually turns in the Astern direction ). when the engine is on bridge, the Officer on the Bridge has only to put the Telegraph to Emergency Full-Astern. The above sequence is automatically carried out, without the Bridge officer having to operate any other controls. Note that Air Brake will only come into action, when the rpm has dropped to the required 20% - 40%, eve...